Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Since I was working like hell on the 4th, I guess I'll wish everybody a happy BELATED 4th of July. I'm still going to enjoy one more day of the so-called holiday weekend and then get back to work - although I sent out about 40 emails, and 12 faxes today (Sunday)...

So, so, so - how do I think I could have enjoyed the holiday weekend more? Definitely more
alcohol - and more time. But it's great. Working for a great boss again is pretty fantastic.

The last major boss was deranged - and very lucky during certain times.

Working for myself is crazy at times and requires a lot of attention, but it beats working
for BB who thought the world of himself. The word 'rodent' can carry no comparison to him.

And now - back to a few more hours of work with my friend Photoshop.

Networking 101 and 102...

Since I've been very busy in the recent months, I have to apologize to all my friends and associates for spending most of my time in front of the keyboard instead of in front of them.

Thank God for text messages and email, but all that's not good enough.

My most recent escapade has been networking. With people, only electronically. Services like LinkedIN provide a fantastic expanse and view to connect with people you know, have known, and want to know.

For those interested - I'm still working on the coffee-table book and the design phase is coming to an end. The next project is:

  • to shoot more images
  • recreate old images
  • tweak relevance
  • finalize the images for publication

If it weren't for all the networking and connection I do on a daily basis, nothing would work.
In years past - people used to meet at the coffee shop or the deli or the bar.

Now we network.


Sheesh... keeping a blog up and running is a lot of work, especially if you have a couple of them running. Welcome to all - your comments and ideas are welcomed. I read most everything around me in society, so I'll probably read your input too.